The Holistic approach to health and fitness.
Many people fail to appreciate the importance of the quality of their recovery post-workout. But without proper focus on their recovery, the time and money invested in workouts and nutrition will not provide the maximum benefit. The greatest benefits are achieved when Nutrition, Exercise and Recovery are combined in your program.
- Nutrition
- Variety – Our bodies need a wide variety of different foods each day. The greater the variety the better equipped your Microbiome is to break down foods & toxins.
- Fats – It is vital to ensure you are consuming good quality fats on a daily basis from things like Avocado, Olives, MCT, etc.
- Avoid Ultra Processed foods – When we eat food in its natural form, we maintain the quality of nutrients and fiber. When we eat Ultra Processed food, we often find hollow calories with little nutritional content.
- CBD – CBD unlocks the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), a network of chemical signals and cellular receptors within the immune system and the brain that regulate how many bodily functions work. Harvard Medical School ECS
- Exercise
- Personal Program – Always work with a PT to create a balanced program with set objectives and goals,
- Program updates – Regularly review your program to allow for a progression towards long-term and medium-term fitness goals.
- Fight or Flight – When exercising our adrenal glands secrete Cortisol which shuts down our immune system and digestion providing as much energy as possible for exercise.
- Recovery
- Post Workout soreness – when exercising we are causing oxidative stress and microscopic tears in muscle fibers.
- Protein Supplements – In order to repair the muscle tears our bodies require fatty acids and amino acids which are usually taken post-workout in the form of shakes.
- Parasympathetic – Our bodies only start to recover from exercise when Cortisol has been dissipated and we start to relax.
- Speed of recovery – The sooner we can relax after training the greater the benefit we gain from our exercise. CBD can play an important role in your recovery National Library of Medicine
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